About Blogology

Blogology is a glimpse into the work being done at Imaginology. Follow in the pursuit of its mission to improve the human condition with imagination technology. Articles in this blog are contributed by Imaginology staff, leaders in the imagination technology industry, and collaborators working on projects with Imaginology.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Multicultural Phoenix

“PHX” - original marker on glass ©️Nathaniel Jack Greene 2017

Multiculturalism is very much alive and well in Phoenix. Although half of our beautiful state is here to retire away their days in the eternal sunshine, in a material’s heaven, the other half of the state of Arizona is of and from, every continent in the world now, due to the attraction of light rail, low cost of living and downtown convenience of multiple state universities, Phoenix is becoming the hub for humanity. With the immediate relationship to our natives and a history of pioneering the west, Phoenix is always poised to stand for it’s name, again and again.

Dismissal of crimes and injustice has been a hallmark of the Wild West. Sheriffs town-isms and authoritarian rule is over in Phoenix…and the crowds that showed to protest this, demonstrated an alignment. Regardless of the pardoning of obstruction of justice charges, Phoenix is no longer under siege. Phoenix stands united in two halves, like much of the nation. The difference is, those who were always Phoenicians and will always be Phoenicians, are stronger than ever. The remaining world is attracted to this and is visiting and purchasing the low-lying fruit of our labors. 

Phoenicians must unite, align and identify around sound strategies for sustainable growth and development of the future Phoenix we all wish and envision to see. Else we suffer the consequences of a lack of voice and regretful sorrow as we gaze upon our concrete-condo-jungle, rapidly becoming too expensive for our known culture to thrive in. 

To accept half it’s identity in a sincere and collective way, is how to raise the Phoenix. Escalating humanity in a collective cause for humans of ALL nature.

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